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Fahzil FanCee
Stretched Hill

I'm that R'n'B dude who likes funny stuffs!


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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1 music, 2 music..
Ok. Heres 2 Songs for you peeps to enjoy.
2 of the songs are cover songs covered by
the girl duo Dayang & H'Amyza.

H'Amyza -Dreamy Eyes (Christina Aguilera Cover)

H'Amyza & Dayang - Better In Time (Leona Lewis Cover)

All Tracks are Recorded & Mixed by Fahzil @ FanCee Studio

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
what a cunt..
What can happen when you're driving behind a
Big Construction Lorry Carrying
Loads of Stones & Rocks without covering
them over with a Plastic Canvas?

Well,this was the outcome.
It happened to my parent's vehicle a few hours ago,
along a Highway towards Tuas.

I just don't want to imagine what really happened.
But, I'm just glad that both my parents are fine.
And it's really fortunate to have Nurul and myself
at home looking after our little brother, Nifail.
Usually, they will take Baby Nif along with them.

I can't bear the thought of him being involve in that accident.
Touch Wood!

And 'F' to that cunt driver and his Construction Company!
I'm studying Civil Engineering and I'm pretty sure that
Safety Always Comes First!

And it's also common sense that,
whenever you're transporting a large amount of heavy materials,
make sure that you secure them tightly to prevent
any danger to the public or in this case,
The Road Users!

This is the right way!

You've got away.
But you cost my parents a fortune and their job!
Just take care of yourself.

Peace to the Middle East, Rain In Spain!

Monday, November 10, 2008
angel voices

Recording with the girls were great.
Dayang & Hamizah seems like they already know what
they are doing eventhough this is their first time doing recording.

And who would expected 3 ex-primary school classmates will be
working together after almost 5 years of not contacting.
All because of one common interest! MUSIC!
It's really inspiring thinking that:
Nothing Can Bring People Together Like Music Can.

They have really good vocals.
Great choice of songs to cover
All Songs Are In The Process Of Editing & Mixing.
I'll post the songs soon enuff.

I felt a little tired today, but I'm glad that I survived the day!
Someone please shoot a pool ball right thru my head!


Peace Out.

"Ass" Ingment

Let's Go!

Monday, November 03, 2008
stop rowing your boat,start your engine! hahaa.
Congrats to Syazana!
She had just obtained her driving license last Friday!
Bole tahan ehk..
The first among us to get license.
Aksi uh!

Now go save and buy a car!

Lol..Yesterday Recording Session was
canceled due to a funny reason! =D
2 amazing girls with great umph vocals will be recording
a cover song this weekend.

I'll definitely gonna write some songs for them.
Lyke quick!

Aight People.
Stay Tuned In!