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Fahzil FanCee
Stretched Hill

I'm that R'n'B dude who likes funny stuffs!


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Friday, May 16, 2008
What 3 Years of Friendship had taught me so far...
3 Years & Counting

Everyone needs a bestfriend in life.

Nurul Syazana, has been my bestfriend for 3 years now.
Many of you might know her as a cheerful girl
who never fails to lend her crying shoulder to any friends who's in need.
A dedicated confidant whom I'm so proud to call my Bestfriend.

For the last 3 years, although there were setbacks when we first started out ,
this friendship taught me to hold on. It makes me understand
how important we need commitment to make a true friendship last.

As an individual, I believe that we should always
put the people we love, first, before feeding our own egos.
I've always put my family and my dearest crony first whenever
I am about to do something forthcoming.
Having the thought that,
if what I'm about to do will be an afflicter to any of them,
I would rather pass.

For the pass 3 years being with Syazana, I can see myself growing.
And I really hope our true friendship will last.

I still remember,I had asked her to be my close friend.
We took that vow,and with that [[Now & Forever]] had begun!


Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jay Sean- My Own Way
Jay Sean
Jay Sean,
The newly anticipated album called "My Own Way" is out now in the UK.

No doubt, he's my favourite R&B Singer of all time.
He is the first Asian R&B Singer to make it big in the UK and Worldwide.
I've been listening to him ever since he first came out in 2004.
Track singles like Dance With You,Eyes On You and Stolen,
I listened to them up till now and never get bored of his music.
All the tracks in his first album 'Me Against Myself' was superb.

And now,after four years, he's doing it again.
First single was 'Ride It', second was 'Maybe' and the third, 'Stay'.
First 2 singles went Top 20 in the UK Charts, and I believe the third will follow.
My Own Way has got to be the best R&B album of the year.
Well at least, I feel that way.

For those who loves R&B,you've got to give Mr Jay Sean a listen.
He produces R&B music like how it suppose to be.
Remember the old schoolers like Blackstreet, Jodeci,
BoysIIMen and etc, that's how R&B should sounds like.
And I think, Jay Sean is bringing us back to the journey of reminiscent with his
modern melodious R&B vibes.

Do check him out. He's my favourite singer!

Support your Asian fellow!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three

The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine

For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality

When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three

As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands

Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed

-David Kleinberg

Also from (Harold & Kumar 2, Escape From Guantanamo Bay)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
What any brother would do!
Hey everyone,this post was actually meant for the last one,
but due to the 'Neighbour' problem, i thought I postpone it to today tho..haha

So yea, Sunday, I did mention we went to my aunt's place.
Around 2030 Hrs, me, my lil sis & bro and my cousins (girls) went to the nearby park just to chill out. So we chilled at the playground. I was the oldest among them,hah!what am i thinking,Chilling with lil rascals?haha
Like kids, they were running around trying out different playground stuffs.

They were making quite a noise there that I think they caught the attention of 3 Malay Guys(arnd 15yrs old) there.. I was just sitting by the slide watching.

What happen next was that I realised that 2 of those guys
were following them around the playground. Hmm,

I noticed the 2 guys were watchin the girls from a distance.
So I decided to approach them from the back.

I sounded: Ade apehal bro?

haha,they claimed that their other friend wants the girl with black shirt's number. Lol..
Haha, i was like that's my adek arh bro.
So I told them that if his friend wants my sis number,come and ask for it.

I went to my sis and tell her that,its up to u la nak kasi tanak! But lets wait for the guy to ask ferst.

I pity the guy larhh,he was just too shy.
It took quite a long time till he quickly came up to me and pass his phone for the number.
His name was Ah Boy btw.

After it's all over, we went back to the house. Few mins ltr, my sis received a msg,

She didnt reply, her prepaid was low..
What a luck for Ah Boy.

Rezeki tak dtg bergolek!=P

Sunday, May 04, 2008


4th May 2008,

Yeap.this just happened!
We arrived home at 2240HRS after a long day at my aunt's place.
I was really tired. And it's natural for me to get angry even with the slightest things when I'm tired.

is not something to treat as of little importance.

At 2250 HRS, yeap, 10 mins after we got home,the doorbell rang.
For god sake,i was still in my boxer short and shirt! However, I opened the door having the thought that it could be my sister.

But nope,it wasn't my sister,it was my neighbour.
I recognised his face but wasn't sure what level he stays on.
(He's on level 4 btw,I'm in level 3)

By that time,I knew something will go wrong..NO!
It really had gone wrong by the first approach!

Me: Oh hello, yes?
Mr Neighbour: You slammed the door right just now?You really disturbed my father's sleep!
Me: Err,no!

By the first approach, he accuses me/our family for slamming the door.
I swear to god we didn't slammed the door!
First reason is because we had a baby here in our home. That's my little brother,Nifail!
Second reason,erm..nope,that's the only reason!
We doesn't want to disturb baby Nifail and his little nap he's having.
We, well at least me, doesn't gives a shit about his father's sleep. Pardon my manners aite..

He kept insisting that we slammed the door and threatened to call the police.
He started using swear words and asking me to open the gate and confront him.
He provoked me using words that I like to use, that's VULGARITIES!
The power of vulgarities,
You can use it anytime you want but only best people knows how to fit in with it.
Try to go to foreign countries, almost all uses the famous 'F' Word. haha.
In my case, this guy isn't the best "swearer" I've known by far.

Back to the story,
well, I'm a teenager with a lot of temper, but dealing with people,moreover your neighbour who doesn't even have a basic courtesy just got me mad .
No doubt, I did used swear words against him too, I had to say what I had to say.
This continues even when my dad talk to him.
There's a lot of conversation going on that I'm just too tired to write about.
All in all, this matter is still unresolved.

We didn't slammed the door, and I did apologised for my manners but the man was just
highly gratifying his status.

Hmm, I'm still gonna smile at him and his father if we ever get into the lift together.
But lets see how it goes aite.

About tonight, he makes me and baby Nifail wonder.. Wassup with this guy??

